Political Genius?

It is quite possible that an earthshaking, political reality altering event took place today with the speech given by Barack Obama. If the Obama brain-trust gave consideration to the idea that the fallout from the Wright affair may actually cost him the general election if not the Democratic nomination, they may then have seen this not only as a political do or die moment but also as a once in the lifetime of a nation opportunity to literally turn the tables in the American political discourse to that which it seems very few want to face head on: the problem of race and racism in America.

Though I am not a big fan of the (stereotypical) “Infamously Looney American Religious Figure”, and I genuinely do not understand the rationalizations of those who continue to associate with those who voice weird ideas, I believe a majority will be able to respect Obamas’ decision to stand by his former Pastor and long time family friend. That is also what good people do.

The last couple of news cycles have been tough on Obama, but if this goes as I am thinking, even as he meets push back from some sectors he will find himself much less on the defensive and maybe even able to take the initiative again.

So Obama takes the initiative, rolls the dice with perhaps nothing left to lose, alters the dynamics of the coming news cycles in a way he is prepared for, resurrects some aspects of his campaign, and greatest of all, changes the face of the American Presidential Election discourse, possibly forever.

Political Genius?

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