Tag: Huffington Post

Withholding Judgment

Words of wisdom, courtesy of Drew Westen in his Huffington Post article on the media’s handling of the John Edwards story, “Catching the Wrong John: Why Are the Media Talking about John Edwards’ Infidelity If They Aren’t Going to Talk about John McCain’s?”.

As someone who has practiced psychotherapy for 25 years, there’s one thing I’ve learned: that it’s a lot easier to judge than to withhold judgment. Life isn’t easy. Most people try to live good and decent lives, and most people fail at many points along the way. If fidelity over decades of marriage were so easy, I suspect more people would practice it. (Bold Added)

“It’s a lot easier to judge than to withhold judgment.”

As someone who is guilty of the occasional rush to judgment, yes, even in none survival judgment moments, these are words that I need to keep in mind.

These are words we all need to keep in mind.